
Latest News
  • UPI – Unified Payment Interface

    UPI services have been launched by the Bank on 25th November,2021.

  • PPS - Positive Pay System

    PPS has been implemented by the Bank for the purpose of ensuring the safety and security of the transactions being happened in the Cheque Truncation System (CTS).

Interest Rates - Loans


To bridge the financial gap and satisfy your day to day financial requirements, Agrasen Bank plays a vital role by offering various loans to the finance seekers.

We believe that you need appropriate finance based on the nature and goals of your business. With our range of secured lending solutions, we can help you get the right loan for your business.


Interest Rate From 9.00% to 18% P.A.

Principal Loan Amount – Rs.1,00,000
Months 12 24 36 48 60 84 120 240
Rate of Interest P.A. Installment Amount
9% 8745.00 4568.00 3180.00 2489.00 2076.00 1609.00 1267.00 900.00
10% 8792.00 4614.00 3227.00 2536.00 2125.00 1660.00 1322.00 965.00
11% 8838.00 4661.00 3274.00 2585.00 2174.00 1712.00 1378.00 1032.00
12% 8885.00 4707.00 3321.00 2633.00 2224.00 1765.00 1435.00 1101.00
13% 8932.00 4754.00 3369.00 2683.00 2275.00 1819.00 1493.00 1172.00
14% 8979.00 4801.00 3418.00 2733.00 2327.00 1874.00 1553.00 1244.00
15% 9026.00 4849.00 3467.00 2783.00 2379.00 1930.00 1613.00 1317.00
16% 9073.00 4896.00 3516.00 2834.00 2432.00 1986.00 1675.00 1391.00
17% 9121.00 4946.00 3567.00 2887.00 2487.00 2046.00 1742.00 1477.00
18% 9168.00 4994.00 3617.00 2940.00 2541.00 2105.00 1806.00 1551.00
EMI Calculator
Principal Amount
Interest Payable
Total Amount Payable
Monthly EMI is