
Vehicle Loan


In today’s fast paced world, owning a vehicle is not a luxury but a necessity.

The vehicle loans at Agrasen Bank are designed to finance two wheeler that suits your needs and matches your taste and status.

Now, ease out on your commutation efforts as you can get the Bike of your choice and zoom away on the roads with Agrasen Bank two wheeler loan options. Individuals who prefer to travel more conservatively or get to their destinations faster, a two-wheeler is as much a boom as it is to a car owner. With newer models coming out each year, the options available to the customers are both attractive as well as convenient.

Eligibility Individuals / Firms / Companies
Type of Facility Term Loan
Amount of Loan 80% Vehicle on Road
Repayment EMI from 36 to 84 months
Security Vehicle purchased out of Bank Finance & 3rd Party guarantee
Rate of interest 10.00% to 14.00%
Documentation Hypothecation / Term Loan agreement, Guarantee deed etc
Sanctioning Authority General Manager / CEO / Board
Margin 20%
EMI Calculator
Principal Amount
Interest Payable
Total Amount Payable
Monthly EMI is